The private equity firms eyeing wrap provider Transact have withdrawn their approaches, Investment Week understands.
Neptune is to close its £1.8m China Special Situations and £400,000 Russia Special Situations funds less than three years after the funds were launched.
Platforms will hold off cutting fees further until after they have dealt with significant changes to pricing structures in the first half of 2016, Standard Life's platform head has predicted.
'Investors must still beware Asia’s corporate pitfalls'
'Charges debate is about value as well as clarity'
Old Mutual Global Investors has launched a European smaller companies fund for recent hire Ian Ormiston.
Business investment fell by 0.7% in the third quarter despite a steadily growing economy, Office for National Statistics data has revealed.
Old Mutual Global Investors has hired former Ignis manager Diamond Lee to boost its Asian equities team.
Bank of Japan board members were divided on the central bank's decision to unleash surprise stimulus measures at the end of October, minutes of their meeting have revealed.
The departure of star managers may have hidden costs for investors "stampeding" for the exit, a wealth manager has warned.